Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Door hang project

O.K.! Lets get creative!

Step one! Take your paper! (For this project i used an old phone book, but you can use ANYTHING you'd like! Crafting paper, wall paper cut to 8 by 11 inches, colored construction paper if your working with a yougin', or if you're feeling a little fancy grab a few music books!) Now, you want to hold bot of the bottom ends of the page, all pages will be done and rolled separately. With the page in your hand lay if lat on a table, take the two bottom ends and roll one end inward to create a very tight cone, make sure the closed end is pointy. Lay a small thin piece of tape over the remaining corner.

step two; You'll grab a stapler and about an inch up from the smaller end staple it. If you'd like to add a personal touch you can spray paint the large open ends with spray adhesive, then dip it in glitter, crafting snow, anything you would like to spruce it up and add that little touch of just yours.

Step three grab a piece of thick paper, at least 14 by 14 in. If the paper is too long then cut it to size;

Step four; find your center and mark it clearly, (It may be difficult to see in my pictures sorry for the low resolution I only have the camera on my phone.)

Step five; With your ruler measure from the marked center four inches out and make several marks in a circle. Once the circle comes full sketch in lightly the spaces, then once your confident in the circle make the circle dark and clear for your self, don't worry about it because it will be covered later, only you'll know it there!

Step six; From the center mark you've made go out eight inches and repeat step five to make the circle full and dark.

Step seven; Place a thin line of hot glue along the back side of the cone, you can designate the back side by finding the hooks of the staple.

Step eight; With the glue still hot lay the glue along the outer line you've drawn. Once you feel the glue has cooled pull up the large end of the cone and place a small drop of hot glue on the very edge of the plain white backing paper and lay the cone down. Doing this is an optional step, i do it because the outer layer can become droopy and gluing the end against the paper will prevent this. making your paper last longer. Continue this all the way around. Once you are satisfied with the closeness of the cones continue laying the glued up pieces along the inner line. Now if you wish for a fuller look you may make a two in circle on the inside and lay a third layer in there.

Step nine; Now you will find a naked spot right in the middle! uh oh! don't worry it's suppose to be there! Grab a few pieces paper and ball them up. Try to keep half of it flat so it's easier to hot glue to the naked spot. Now once that's glued on you can either take a few items of your picking and lay in the middle i chose to leave it as is because i like the natural look of it. But you can put Christmas balls and other such things to add that pop of color. And if you want and have the time you can add even more intricate details like hot gluing bead all around it to make a design or just to add to it. you can spray some more adhesive or even get that spray you use for your hair the glitter ones and spray down! Anything you like this is where YOU get to do all you're own adding and creating!

I really hope you liked this tutorial! Let me know how it worked out for you i love to get some feed back on this! Let me know if the directions were easy to follow and anything else you can think of! And feel free to email me your finished products and I'd LOVE LOVE LOVVVVEEEEE to add them to this stream for other to see how amazing this really is! it is a bit of a process but once you've rolled, taped, and stapled around 210 pages it's smooth sailing. When I did this even for the first time it only took me 30 minutes time you self and let me know how you did!

OH! to make this hang take a binder clip with one clip up and hot glue the inside a good amount don't skimp on this part, and press it hard to the card stock you've used as the base paper, with the one up clip on the out side up, once dried hammer a nail in and hang! if you want a long hanging piece add any decorative ribbon or wire as long as you'd like it, to the clip on the binder clip. and thus you have your hanging door hang

-Don't forget to KEEP IT CREATIVE <3

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