Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cream cheese bites

So I saw a photo on the world famous Pinterest but there were no instructions!!! So this is me trying to figure out how to do it.

I started with buttery flavored crescents. Which ever brand you prefer should be fine.

I unrolled them on my counter and grabbed a block of cream cheese. Again brand doesn't matter. I cut the block and then squared my slices. I rolled the slices like playdough. Lay the round creamcheese as close to the end as you can and start to roll it. I personally like to tuck the ends I. As I roll it so nothing falls out when it's cooking.

In a bowl I mixed one egg 1/3 cup of brown sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla and cinnamon to taste. We don't like a heavy cinnamon flavor so I out a thin layer in the bowl and mixed it. But if you like it more daring add as much as your like!

I laid the creamcheese filled crescents tightly together and used a brush to brush on the egg mixture. Make sure you use ALL of it. That's where the flavors are!!

Preheat the oven to 375 (or what ever the temp needs to be for your brand of crescents) and cook for 20 min. But keep an eye on it. It may cook a little faster or slower depending on the brand you use.

Let me know what you think!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Egg in toast!

So here is something quick and easy!

1.) Butter up one side of a Alice if bread. The thicker the bread the better. And lay it down on a heated pan. Have the heat med to high.

2.) And let it brown LIGHTLY and flip. Let the non buttered side brown lightly as we'll and take off the flame.

3.) Cut a circle in the bread and lay it back down on the pay. Either side down it doesn't matter.

4.) Crack an egg and using the Side of a bowl and drop the full egg Into the hole you've cut in your bread slice. Let it sit for a whole till the bottom of the egg I cooked.

5.)If you don't have a nonstick pan use cooking spray to lubricate it. And flip the egg and bread slice. My flipping skills could use some tuning so mine always seem a little sloppy but it still tastes great!

6.) Let the other side finish cooking. Carefully as to not break the yolk take it off the pan and lay it on a plate. And repeat till you have enough for everyone. In my house its usually three per person. But who knows!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Meaty morning meal

This one is simple =] It's fun and tasty too!

First off you'll need a toaster, and bagels.

Go a head and split the bagel and toast it to your liking, then lather it up with some cream cheese. I like to sprinkle some garlic powder or garlic salt on top to give it a little bit of flavor and if I'm really wanting that little something extra i throw on some chives. Next you'll lay down a piece of meat, for this mornings I chose honeyed ham, then set a piece of cheese and you can layer them as many as you'd like. Then pop it in the mic for 45 sec to melt the cheese and you have a simple and quick meal to take on the go (Just be careful and mindful of where you lay the cheese, always put meat first or I'll melt thru the whole of the bagel! =] I'll throw down some pictures just to help you out! Let me know how it turns out for y'all! Leave me some feed back and ever put up some of your own photos! I'd love to know how it worked out and if you liked it! =] And never forget to KEEP IT CREATIVE! <3

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pan breakfast

Ever wake up late and you only have about 20-40 minutes to get ready? This is PERFECT for you!

Step one; preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Step two; crack and scramble in a mixing bowl, 6 eggs.

Step three; add one cup of all purpose white flower and mix

Step four; add one cup whole milk, I've only used whole milk in making this, so feel free to experiment with what ever type of milk or lactaid you use regularly and let me know how it turns out! =]

Step five; This step is optional, I do this when ever I make pancakes or french toasts and since this is a similar break fast I added it. I like to put in a bit (I never measure this part just eye ball is) cinnamon sugar and pure vanilla extract.

Step six; Take a large spoon full of butter and melt it in the microwave. Should take about 15 to 25 sec. Do not mix this in with the batter you've created!!

Step seven; Once everything is all mixed in well together, make sure nothing stuck tot he bottom of your mixing bowl and there are no lumps pour into a 9X13 pan. (Always grease the pan first!!!!) This does have a lot of egg product in it so please don't forget the grease or you'll never get it out of the pan!!

Step eight; Take the melted butter and drizzle over the top of the batter once it is in the greased pan. DO NOT MIX THE BUTTER IN WITH THE BATTER ONLY DRIZZLE ON TOP

(Side note, I know the directions seem long that is only because i am trying to make them simple and easy to follow. I hate it when I get to a web site and I don't understand the directions. But this whole preparation should take no more then five to ten minutes it's not long at all i promise and there are very few ingredients to use.)

Step nine; Now that the batter is in the pan the butter has been applied and the pan is in the oven, you'll close the door and set the timer to 25 minutes. As long as the oven is at 400 when you set it in you'll be fine just leave it and get ready for work gives you just enough time to throw on something n put the make up on! by the time the timer goes off you're all set.

Step ten; Once it's finished pull from the oven and this should be your finished product it may look a little giggly that's because of the eggs. as long as the only thing liquidy or runny is the butter on top then your fine and you've got the desired dish!

Now as for cutting and eating! Take a pizza cutter if you have one they work the best, other wise any old knife should do the trick just be very careful if you have one of those non stick pans you don't want to ruin the bottom! (FYI you'll need to grease the pan even if you're using a no stick pan! The eggs will cause it to stick to anything so don't think just cause you have Teflon your safe YOUR NOT! GREASE THE PAN!!! this cannot be said enough!!!

Now DIG IN! I like to add a little syrup on top with some powdered sugar. But that's just me! Eat it how ever you like it's a really simple and quick dish with little work involved. and not much dish dirtying either, which I think is the best part because i don't have a dishwasher! I do it all by hand! =P

O.K. that's it! I really hope that is was a good and easy thing for you to do! Please leave me comments and let me know how it worked for you! I'd love to see pic of how yours turns out as well!

Don't forget to KEEP IT CREATIVE!!! <3

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Door hang project

O.K.! Lets get creative!

Step one! Take your paper! (For this project i used an old phone book, but you can use ANYTHING you'd like! Crafting paper, wall paper cut to 8 by 11 inches, colored construction paper if your working with a yougin', or if you're feeling a little fancy grab a few music books!) Now, you want to hold bot of the bottom ends of the page, all pages will be done and rolled separately. With the page in your hand lay if lat on a table, take the two bottom ends and roll one end inward to create a very tight cone, make sure the closed end is pointy. Lay a small thin piece of tape over the remaining corner.

step two; You'll grab a stapler and about an inch up from the smaller end staple it. If you'd like to add a personal touch you can spray paint the large open ends with spray adhesive, then dip it in glitter, crafting snow, anything you would like to spruce it up and add that little touch of just yours.

Step three grab a piece of thick paper, at least 14 by 14 in. If the paper is too long then cut it to size;

Step four; find your center and mark it clearly, (It may be difficult to see in my pictures sorry for the low resolution I only have the camera on my phone.)

Step five; With your ruler measure from the marked center four inches out and make several marks in a circle. Once the circle comes full sketch in lightly the spaces, then once your confident in the circle make the circle dark and clear for your self, don't worry about it because it will be covered later, only you'll know it there!

Step six; From the center mark you've made go out eight inches and repeat step five to make the circle full and dark.

Step seven; Place a thin line of hot glue along the back side of the cone, you can designate the back side by finding the hooks of the staple.

Step eight; With the glue still hot lay the glue along the outer line you've drawn. Once you feel the glue has cooled pull up the large end of the cone and place a small drop of hot glue on the very edge of the plain white backing paper and lay the cone down. Doing this is an optional step, i do it because the outer layer can become droopy and gluing the end against the paper will prevent this. making your paper last longer. Continue this all the way around. Once you are satisfied with the closeness of the cones continue laying the glued up pieces along the inner line. Now if you wish for a fuller look you may make a two in circle on the inside and lay a third layer in there.

Step nine; Now you will find a naked spot right in the middle! uh oh! don't worry it's suppose to be there! Grab a few pieces paper and ball them up. Try to keep half of it flat so it's easier to hot glue to the naked spot. Now once that's glued on you can either take a few items of your picking and lay in the middle i chose to leave it as is because i like the natural look of it. But you can put Christmas balls and other such things to add that pop of color. And if you want and have the time you can add even more intricate details like hot gluing bead all around it to make a design or just to add to it. you can spray some more adhesive or even get that spray you use for your hair the glitter ones and spray down! Anything you like this is where YOU get to do all you're own adding and creating!

I really hope you liked this tutorial! Let me know how it worked out for you i love to get some feed back on this! Let me know if the directions were easy to follow and anything else you can think of! And feel free to email me your finished products and I'd LOVE LOVE LOVVVVEEEEE to add them to this stream for other to see how amazing this really is! it is a bit of a process but once you've rolled, taped, and stapled around 210 pages it's smooth sailing. When I did this even for the first time it only took me 30 minutes time you self and let me know how you did!

OH! to make this hang take a binder clip with one clip up and hot glue the inside a good amount don't skimp on this part, and press it hard to the card stock you've used as the base paper, with the one up clip on the out side up, once dried hammer a nail in and hang! if you want a long hanging piece add any decorative ribbon or wire as long as you'd like it, to the clip on the binder clip. and thus you have your hanging door hang

-Don't forget to KEEP IT CREATIVE <3